Bricks7 was developed to reduce the clicks needed to build a website.
It’s best used for intermediate and advanced designers/front-end developers.
No Code Flaws
While it’s easy to click around and voila, you have a website. Beginner designers and developers will spend more time on clicking (if you ever measure) then doing the actual work.
Tools like Elementor and Kadence are easy to use but lack control and systems.
Bricks7 was Born
We started using our code from Oxygen, then moved to Bricks a few years ago using AutoCSS. The common challenge was
- Designers were too creative — Developers can’t build the design
- Developers spent too much time — rectifying mistakes of Jr Devs
- Absence of a “design system” in which both Designers and Developers can work together.
Competition — Being Priced Out
While there are already pre-built themes and frameworks. As Asian Designers and Developers, we are constantly being ‘priced out’. To Western countries, $199 per year may sound small; believe it or not, that’s enough grocery money to feed a family 4 for a month!
Bricks7 aims to deliver more value than it’s worth.