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Color Utilities

AutoCSS uses a semantic color system with text and background color classes. Add these to your styles.css in Bricks Child Theme:

/* colors.css */
:root {
  --primary: #3b82f6;    /* Blue */
  --secondary: #6366f1;  /* Indigo */
  --success: #22c55e;    /* Green */
  --warning: #f59e0b;    /* Amber */
  --danger: #ef4444;     /* Red */
  --info: #06b6d4;       /* Cyan */
  --light: #f8f9fa;      /* Off-white */
  --dark: #1e293b;       /* Dark blue-gray */
  --muted: #64748b;      /* Gray */
  --white: #ffffff;      /* Pure white */

Available Color Classes

TypeClass FormatExample Usage
Text Color.text-{color}<p class="text-primary">{color}<div class="bg-success">
Hover.hover:bg-{color}<button class="hover:bg-danger">

Color Palette

Color ClassDefault ValueTypical Usage
primaryBlueMain CTAs, key elements
secondaryIndigoSecondary buttons, accents
successGreenPositive status, checkmarks
warningAmberAlerts, warnings
dangerRedErrors, destructive actions
infoCyanInformational messages
lightOff-whiteLight backgrounds
darkDark blue-grayDark text/backgrounds
mutedGraySecondary text
whitePure whiteLight elements on dark bg

Usage Examples

<!-- Text colors -->
<p class="text-primary">Important content</p>
<span class="text-muted">Secondary information</span>

<!-- Background c/prisolors -->
<div class="bg-dark text-white">Contrast section</div>
<button class="bg-primary hover:bg-secondary text-white">Hover me</button>

<!-- Combined utilities -->
<div class="bg-warning text-dark font-bold p-4">
  Warning message

Customization in Bricks Child

  1. Open wp-content/themes/bricks-child/styles.css
  2. Override default colors by adding:
:root {
  --primary: #your-color-hex;
  --secondary: #your-color-hex;
  /* ... other color variables ... */

Best Practices

  1. Use semantic colors (success=green, danger=red)
  2. Maintain contrast ratios (WCAG 2.1 AA)
  3. Combine with text utilities:
<div class="bg-dark text-light p-4">
  1. Use hover states for interactive elements:
<a class="text-primary hover:text-secondary">

Technical Notes

  • Colors use CSS custom properties for easy theming
  • Built with opacity control (add -50 suffix for 50% opacity)
<div class="bg-primary-50 text-dark">
  • Automatically handles light/dark mode when configured
  • Works with Bricks Builder’s native styling system

Extended Usage (Add to styles.css)

/* Opacity variants */
.bg-primary-50 { background-color: rgba(var(--primary), 0.5) }
.text-danger-50 { color: rgba(var(--danger), 0.5) }

/* Gradient backgrounds */
.bg-gradient-primary {
  background: linear-gradient(45deg, var(--primary), var(--secondary));
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